Make America Great FOR EVERYONE! (MAGFE!)

We have heard plenty the slogan “Make America Great Again”, but life wasn’t so great for many Americans. What they mean is Make America Great Again for the Oppressors.

The oppressors want to keep black people and other minorities down, keep women without the same rights as men under the law, keep the poor in their place with little chance of a better life, keep LGBT people from enjoying the same rights as others, and discriminate against people of certain religions and cultures.

Although there has been significant progress for women, minorities, and LGBT individuals, much progress remains. Women still do not have equal rights or pay with men; minorities still face discrimination in opportunities, pay, healthcare, and criminal justice; and LGBT individuals still face discrimination.

What Republicans Do

Republican politicians say they are on the side of the workers, but their policies are on the side of the oppressors of the workers and the poor. It is Republicans that kept worker pay and the minimum wage from keeping up with inflation. Otherwise, from 1968 to today, the minimum wage would be about $17/hour. Simultaneously, the US tripled productivity with most benefits going to the top.

Republicans also fight against equal pay for equal work, and workers’ rights. They fight for what benefits the rich and big business at the expense of small businesses, the workers, and the poor. Republican policies keep the poor in poverty and many other hard-working Americans struggling, living from paycheck to paycheck.

What Democrats Do

Democrats fight to Make America Great for Everyone! How so? Democrats support our Basic Public Investments (BPIs), Valuing All Workers, and A Fair System. All three are NECESSARY for People, Businesses, and the Economy to thrive!

BPIs are in Education, Health Care, Infrastructure, Research, Safe Communities, Community Development, and Safety Nets. People need education and health care to thrive, and businesses need educated and healthy people to exist! Likewise, the rest of the BPIs are critical for both people and businesses.

Valuing All Workers means a Livable Wage, Equal Pay for Equal Work, and Workers’ Rights. People need a good wage to thrive, and businesses need customers with money! A Fair System is necessary for most people and businesses to thrive instead of the few!

Click for more:    Basic Public Investments (BPIs),    Valuing All Workers,    A Fair System.

A Sustainable Future

Realize these investments and policies are not Socialism but create a Sustainable Capitalism that works for everyone instead of the GOP’s Rigged Unsustainable Capitalism that works for the few.

Get Involved

The GOP misinforms voters about what Republicans and Democrats do and stand for. You can help set the record straight!

Remind people that when Trump, the GOP, and right-wing media say, “Make America Great Again”, they mean “for the Oppressors”. Inform people how what these Republicans do works mostly for the rich and big business and against what our people and most businesses need to thrive.

Inform people that Democrats can Make America Great FOR EVERYONE if we elect Democrats to the majorities in localities, states, and nationally. Tell others how Democrats do it! Democrats make the investments and policies necessary for people and businesses to thrive! This is we-the-people investing in ourselves, and we are great investments!

Create bumper stickers, yard signs, and wearables stating: “Make America Great FOR EVERYONE! Vote Democrat!” With a blue background of course!

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