Take Action!
The arguments presented on this website will help energize and empower our base and resonate better with more independents, moderate Republicans and even some of their base.
- Email the link www.VoterEducationProject.com to 10 contacts asking them to do the same.
- Study the arguments to become fluent, embellish with your own experiences and knowledge, and integrate into your own arguments. Email me if you have any questions.
- You can help set the record straight with your family, friends, and co-workers that are not already voting for Democrats.
- Help share this information with our base to better advocate for the Democrat brand.
- Print PDFs of key webpages on this site to create handouts for political, other functions, or to handout to family, friends, and others. See the bottom of specific informational pages for downloadable PDFs.
- Email ksmith@votereducationproject.com
- Provide feedback and comments
- Request presentations, training, or targeted materials
- Interest in consultation with campaigns or political organizations
- Interest in collaboration
- Interest in backing or expanding on our work
- Linking to your resources or site
- Coming soon:
- Emails to forward or information to post
- More points and arguments for key topics
- Speech segment drafts, op-ed points, video script drafts, presentation documents