Prosperous AND Shared Economy

Sufficient Laws, Regulations and Services (SLRS)

Sufficient Laws, Regulations and Services enable and protect our people, businesses, institutions, economy, and environment while providing a level playing field and opportunities for our people and businesses.

Without specific laws and regulations to the contrary, unscrupulous businesses cut corners and create unfair competition with responsible companies. Unscrupulous companies hurt and sometimes kill customers and employees, pollute our water and air or in other ways hurt our environment, or hurt communities and our economy and future.

Yes, we need to be vigilant in eliminating unnecessarily onerous laws and regulations, and refining our rules to work without unintended consequences. Unfortunately, too many people and businesses will exploit anything where there is not a specific rule against it no matter who or what it hurts. Without such individuals and companies, our laws and regulations could be much simpler.


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